Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jump Start

So I feel like I have been dragging along the past couple of weeks so I have decided to give my self a jump start. I am going to do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and weight watchers. I think the lack of exercise and eating junk food has made me feel this way. So if anyone wants to join me this could be fun!


  1. I just got back on track with WW! Yay for us! And i dont understand why u feel the need for it but more power to you!

  2. I have that video and love it! I work out in the mornings at the YMCA now, but for a home workout, that video really is the best!

  3. You are awesome! I won;t be there obviously, but you've motivated me to get up ;)

  4. By the way, I'm flying to AZ tomorrow and I'm pretty sure you might have to continue this tradition of doing my hair and teaching me how to blog bc I have some WT routes going on right now and I still don't have the time to figure out this whole blogging world...I need your assistance!

  5. Heeey man,

    So I went to the doctor the other day and weighed about 7 lbs more than I thought... sickening. I am not eating for a week. Well, after I eat this..
